On 20 August, 2013, the International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC, 2006) will come into effect with wide ranging implications for every individual and organization working in the shipping industry. The MLC, 2006 marks major legislative changes to international maritime law with specific updates to occupational health and safety regulations.
As a single-source solution for medical needs and requirements in remote areas, Remote Medical International provides individuals and organizations with the products, services, and information necessary to meet and exceed current health and safety standards, including the MLC, 2006. To learn more about the Maritime Labour Convention and suggested solutions for compliance, download our latest industry bulletin: Solutions for Health & Medical Compliance: Adapting to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.
For a free compliance consultation on MLC, 2006, or for more information on Remote Medical International products and services, please contact RMI headquarters.